The Midday Game

The Midday game is a game played by the... well... other religions that are not related to Paganism. Here are the steps and supplies, supplies first.
1. A flashlight
2. A comic book, a homemade comic would be the best to use.
3. Some pot roast, for meat reasons and for protection
4. A hairdryer to dry the Midday Man
5. A PC or Mac desktop for gaming porpoises
6. A photo is EVIL PATRIXXX
And now on to the steps
1. Have all of your supplies ready
2. Knock on the door 11 times
3. On the final knock, it will be 12 o' clock PM, you have just summoned the Midday Man
4. Now you walk around your very light house (did I mention that a skeleton will pop out? Also, have all of your lights on)
5. If you see the Midday Man, eat some of the roast and grab your comic book, have him read it and run, you can also go on your PC and play some Dota 2 or League of Legends
6. Signs that the Midday Man is near is that you will hear, "Ai is gonna hugz you" or see sunscreen bottles
7. If that fails, he will hug you and leave your house.
8. Once you win your game of Dota 2 or League, he will leave your house.
9. Once he finishes your comic, he will leave.
Good job! You won, now go ahead and play the Midnight Game, the Midnight Man is not friendly I'll tell you that.